D: All of the Above

Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

Thinking on the past and future are different activities so it’s hard to compare them in this way. The past is content. The past is fixed events to review and draw conclusions from. The future is fantasy – it doesn’t exist.

So do I spend more time reminiscing/regretting or planning/wishing? I’d like to say I keep a healthy balance of remembering to hope, regretting to avoid, and studying to plan.

But I think I spend the bulk of my time with my mind dreaming. Some dreams are tangible, others are for entertainment purposes only. I imagine myself in situations I’ve never shown the resolve it would take to be in.

I imagine myself thinner. I imagine myself more confident and patient. I have complete conversations with the men I’ve loved where things go… differently. I imagine my writing is discovered on a poorly maintained, low-traffic blog and I’m approached by Netflix for their next blockbuster rom-com.

I imagine red carpet walks with my best friend at the premiere of my latest movie. I imagine boldly representing myself in the office of some Hollywood hot-shot over royalties and my expectations and how I won’t take a penny less than some exorbitant amount of money for my masterpiece.

The things that I imagine typically lead to me remembering why those things are so out of reach. I remember that I don’t communicate well verbally until I’m yelling and crying. That I stutter and shake until I break down. I remember that I push most men away because I don’t want things to get good enough to hurt when it’s over.

I remember that I’m too scared to publish my poetry traditionally so I’ve only pushed small-batch, self-published projects that fall short because I can’t market myself because on most days I don’t know my worth.

I remember that I haven’t been able to finish a book or a screenplay because I’m terrified of submitting it and being rejected.

Then I regret that I let any of those things stop me.

Then I hope I can turn it around with my plans and resolutions. I start setting lofty goals to “write something every day” or “be more active” and I’m so excited that I wear myself out and I need a nap.

So, I guess what I’m saying is I don’t know. I do know for sure that I spend way more time thinking than doing.

What is the greatest gift someone could give you?

This is a cumbersome question. I enjoy giving gifts but I’m weird about receiving them. I don’t like event or holiday gifts.

My first thoughts were material, but I couldn’t think of anything readily enough to be the greatest. Then I got corny – requited unconditional love and such.

But what quantifies greatness in a gift?

Is it the needing or the wanting? The novelty or the significance? The surprise or the anticipation? The pomp or the circumstance? Maybe all of these.

I imagine I wouldn’t be able to say before receiving it. If I had to say, it would need to evoke emotion. Possibly bring me joy.

Then my logic steps in and requests that it be a practical size for storage or safe keeping. Is it consumable or flammable? Did you include batteries?

A keepsake maybe? No. A memory.

A joyful core memory. Doesn’t matter what it is as long as I can turn to it and revisit the rush of serotonin. Some are epic while some are just so silly. But they all count the same.

The greatest gift someone could give me will probably be a knock knock joke I’ll overhear from the next table at a restaurant. Or the time my then 1 year old son threw up after I farted. There were real tears.

Make me laugh, make me cry – make me angry – just make it count.

Am I a Selfish Child?

I couldn’t watch them bury him.

There wasn’t enough time. I didn’t have enough time. Even if our time was longer, I wouldn’t know how to prepare for it. So I shut down.

It feels like a design flaw in the blueprints of life – that the people we need and love SO much – people you know will be whoever, wherever,whenever you need them to be – can be gone in an instant.

I’ve heard people describe it a multitude of times – using the same words I do now – and assumed it would prepare me for it when the time came. I’ve lost family and mourned in my own ways.

But losing a parent is HARD. The spirit of the nuclear family is unique. That “I’m on my way, no matter what – even though I told you this was a bad idea but we can talk about that later” essence is a heartstring with exposed nerve endings. And it can just be ripped away.

No one on this earth can convince me that consciousness isn’t tangible. That we aren’t bound by extrasensory tendrils that keep us safe and calm. And I know none of this is new. But at the same time ALL of this is new. Loss is new every time.

I’ve never felt loss like I did with my dad. I don’t understand how touch the place where it hurts. The left and right sides of my brain are still trying and failing to make sense of it 8 months later, so I don’t think I’ve even come to terms with it.

All of this amplified by the fact that he didn’t have to be anybody to me. He accepted me. I have so many vestiges of fear-filled memories and all I ever felt is safe and understood. He was brilliant and jolly and he liked to take stuff apart and I was there for all of it. Mom says that somehow I was his child.

Then it hit me that I gotta do it again. I don’t know when, but I do know that the logical me and the emotional me are both trying to be practical about an impractical situation neither of them has any experience in.

I’ve been trying to communicate more freely and address issues as they come up so I spend as little time as possible sour, or frustrated or angry with her. I was at the nursing home the day before he lost consciousness and I was so annoyed that I had to take time out of my packed day of doing NOT SHIT to bring him something he needed. That’s the energy I left him with.

I said all of that to say that I’m petrified that before I learn how to navigate this treacherous and magical world, she’ll be gone too.

And I can’t let Avery go through this. The tingling in my joints. The laundry lists of diagnoses and medications. The fatigue. The fat. It’s all got to go. I need to be around long enough for him to be able to mourn properly. Once I know how to mourn properly.

I just couldn’t watch them bury my dad.

I went to the hospital and held his hand. I sat at hospice and talked to him.

I wasn’t there when he stopped breathing. I didn’t view his body at the service. I laughed with family. I smiled and hugged. Then I went back home.

I did everything I felt I had to to protect my state of mind.

Was I wrong?


I’ve no doubt my heart will heal
beat then skip and love again
the shame of it all will relent
my spirit, slightly tamer, will
surrender caution to the wind
However deeply dug the trench

Just as one wound starts to seal
Another tries to saunter in
In time enough that I forget
The markers of a shaky wheel
I’ll take no heed and bare my skin
And trust & lust enough to let

And bury risk beneath the appeal
Of a love that might be worth a spin
For every journey’s end begets
Am I a survivor of the ordeal
Or a fool for what the wind blew in
On the bound to more regret


I hope your days are blessed
with beauty, bounty and belief
And everything that you hold dear
brings solace to your grief
I hope you find just enough joy
in every place you seek
Find faith in strength and clarity –
a friend in destiny

I wish for you the brightest days
and even brighter nights
May any battle’s gotten gains
be worthy of the fight
Wish you health and wealth and wisdom
in all your coming years
And any goal you set yourself
out-might your hidden fears

But, just a little nugget of advice
before you go
And take with you whatever
happiness I thought we’d know
Make no mistake – I’m not gon’ trip –
but listen carefully
I very highly suggest you not
say shit else to me

The bitch you thought I might have been
can’t hold a wet match to
The wrath that’s waiting for
whatever foolishness in queue
The bigger man you think you are
to turn on me today
Better have a backup plan,
or reinforcements on the way


A child is many things
many more things than offsprings
progenies of flights & failures not yet known
regardless of whether you know it or not
you are perpetually
pouring yourself
into your young, so…

I am my father’s art & my mother’s music

Funny Story

I was under the impression
that if I came up with all this clever shit to say
on somebody’s stage somewhere
You’d suddenly wake up from your deep-seated denial
And realize what you been missin’

You’d sense my sensibility and come runnin’

You don’t mean it when you say
“the wireless caller you are trying to reach
has a voice mail box that has not been set up…”
…you don’t mean that…

If I say it clearly enough
With enough emphasis
If I enunciate in front of enough people who are not you
Eventually my words would start to glow in the moonlight
And you’d manifest
No longer able to resist the pull
Of my awesomeness

But — recently
With all this free time I have
I’ve been reading through all the fantastic sap
I’ve bestowed upon you over the years
As diligently as prayers
And it occurred to me
I needed to pump the breaks
Pulled back
Took the next left
And parked it at epiphany

Got out and looked back that what carried me to this pitiful place
My jolly rancher green jalopy – runnin’ on fumes
My sweet chariot to a place called clarity
Where I’ve taken up residence
Until I can find a ride back to good

But nothing in this life is free
And rent is due tonight
And these are the last of my words I can afford to give you
So listen carefully

Am not a fool
I get it
Am an appropriately educated
Level headed
Beautiful young woman
I’m good at what I do
I enjoy it
And if left to my own devices
Dammit I’m happy
I can be flighty
And quite silly at times
But I am not a fool

Oh I get it…
I just don’t want it

The Sinners Lament

Looking upon humans
and their nature
I find that

Early on
in the whisper-soft, underhanded attack
that doubt declares on allegory
Do the weary start to sway
‘neath the gusts of tribulation
‘til that final blow – however slight – sends the soul on a fall
Into sorrow
And out of faith in the Lord…

When, though
once the deafening din
of those hallowed horns
come ripping through the universe
Do the wretched start to buckle
‘neath the bounty
titanic in size
sonorous in title
in refusal of any name other than the blessing that is salvation
Give the kneel a try
And believe?

the Kindred

Once upon
A simpler time
we were of the same extant soul
Ilk and harmony
spirits pressed together
As one
But we don’t talk no more
afraid of each other’s
beauty and richness
equal but lacking oneness
for no reason
we divided
and shamed the sun back thru the stars
eras unwind
when all we talk about is unity…

What’s really goin’ on?

No Confusion

All the ways
We choose to say
“I love you’
Dress it up in all the pretty words
And it loses meaning
All the songs
That mean to say
“You mean the world to me”
Never really do
The point gets lost in sound
All the poems
That are written to say
“I’ll never let you down”
Fail to deliver
So, just so there’s no confusion
I love you,
You mean the world to me
And I’ll never let you down.